Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday August 17th

The first Sunday has come and gone in a flash, which might be a good thing to help get closer to when I see you again. I enjoyed church because people really seemed to want to talk to me, but everyone asked about you. I got to talk to Elaine for a little bit, so I liked that because she's probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. The college class was OK, but it was just me, Logan, Timothy, and Allison. Of course I'll be the only one left starting next week and theres some kind of Sunday School Rally and I have to stand up and tell about the college class (hip hip hooray...I'm kinda nervous because most people prolly think my name is Elisabeth's Boyfriend). After church I went to work for a long time, but I did get to watch the race there which was sorda fun and sorda bad because Jr crashed right at the end like an idiot. I thought of you all day and liked the occassional text message. I hope that you will text me more in the upcoming days and answer my calls because I worry about what people could possibly be doing late at night, so I'm just sitting here waiting for you to call me back and thinking of what I have to do tomorrow.

I hope you had a good day. Mine was lackadaisical.

I love you very much Elisabeth.


Only 11 more days!!! I am very excited. I hope you are too.

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